Well-being is fundamental to our happiness and health. I work with businesses designing bespoke workshops to help them create a positive work environment. I can help give you and your team the tools and processes that will help get the best out of themselves - creating a happier and healthier work environment that will benefit all.
Over the years I have seen first hand the benefits of having a strong well-being practice whether that be for your own personal life or within your business.
The effects of a higher level of well-being are fundamental to the overall health of an individual, enabling them to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what they want out of life. Research has shown that a greater sense of wellbeing relates to increased physical benefits, such as lower incidences of cardiovascular disease, stroke and sleeping problems, and with increased productivity and creativeness in both professional and personal lives.
In short, having high levels of well-being helps us be the best versions of ourselves
I offer a number of workshops that can be delivered in person or online. All sessions are tailored to suit the needs of the group and organisation.
Benefits of improving wellbeing at work
Increased productivity
Higher performance and participation
Increased job satisfaction
Stronger working relationships
Less sick days
Higher level of Creativity & Innovations
Positive Culture
Allowing yourself to play goes against everything that you are expected to do as a grown up, however letting go and having space and time to play is proven to have huge benefits. There are many different ways in which we can play and I have designed workshops where play can be incorporated into your personal or professional life.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old… we grow old because we stop playing” George Bernard Shaw
Some of the most popular sessions I offer:
Healthy work/life balance & creating healthy boundaries
Improving communication between yourself and others
Imposter syndrome
Inner critic
Creative journaling
Creative release and meditation
Laughter for joy and creativity